
Farming Investment Fund 2023: Grants for Investing in New Technology

Farming Investment Fund 2023

The government’s Rural Payment Agency launched the Farming Investment Fund in November 2021, providing grants to improve productivity and bring environmental benefits to the industry.

With the RDS MME Ceres 8000i Yield Monitor eligible for purchase under the second round of this scheme, our team has put together the following guide witheverything you need to know, including how you can apply today.

What is the Farming Investment Fund?

The Farming Investment Fund consists of two separate funds, both of which are aiming to support businesses and bring about increased productivity and environmental benefits.

  1. Farming Equipment and Technology Fund, for smaller grants between £1,000 and £25,000.
  2. Farming Transformation Fund, for larger grants between £25,000 and £500,000.

Farming Equipment and Technology Fund

The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) is a government initiative to provide support to businesses so that they can invest in new equipment and technology to improve sustainable agricultural, horticultural and forestry productivity.

The FETF 2023 grants are available towards the cost of equipment and technology to improve productivity, environment and animal health and welfare.

There are two themes:

  1. Productivity and Slurry, the portal is open from February 21st until April 4th.
  2. Animal Health and Welfare, the portal will be available in March 2023.

Which RDS Products Are Available on the Grant?

The Ceres 8000i Yield Monitor is fully compliant with the government specification and is eligible to be purchased with the FETF grant.

The Ceres 8000i is one of the latest innovations in the field of optical sensing technology and is suitable for all types of combine harvester. It measures both live yield and dry or wet harvested weight.

Ceres 8000i Yield Monitor

Using several sensors, the Ceres 8000i measures yield, forward speed, moisture content, header position and angle position. The display features an integral SD card for a simple transfer of data to a computer.

We have listed the specification breakdown below.

  • FETF Number: FETF51
  • Item name: Retrofitted yield monitoring
  • Item score: 63

How Do I Apply For the Grant?

After a successful first round, the fund is opening for round two in 2023.

To apply, simply visit the online portal and answer the questions about the types of grants you are applying for. If your application is successful, you can then buy the item. You will be able to claim the reimbursement using your receipt.

The RDS Ceres 8000i is listed under the Productivity and Slurry theme. The application portal is now open and closes at midday on April 4th, 2023.

You can contact the RDS MME team by calling 01249 479356 or sending a message to

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